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In-person ICD 705 SCIF/SAPF Construction and Management Courses


The ICD 705 Physical Security Course: Lifecycle of A SCIF will prepare you to implement the requirements of the new ICD 705 series documents (ICD 705, ICS 705-1, ICS 705-2, and the ICD 705 Technical Specifications).

The course is designed using a SCIF lifecycle theme:

  • Phase I: Threat Definition and Planning

  • Phase II: Preliminary Construction Planning

  • Phase III: Design and Construction Requirements

  • Phase IV: Accreditation

  • Phase V: SCIF Operations and Management

  • Phase VI: Disposal of a SCIF

The course stresses comprehension and construction best practices and application of the ICD 705 series documents and concentrates on SCIF/SAPF design and construction standards, the accreditation process, and preparing a fully compliant Fixed Facility Checklist while reducing costs.


Class schedule is Monday-Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm EST. Pick course dates on the registration page. 


This course is designed for federal government, military, civilians, federal partners and government contractor personnel performing physical planning and implementation of SCI and SAP facilities.

Pay Now: $2,195.00


or Request Invoice

Must be paid within 5-7 days.

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