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Global terrorism is a rapidly growing threat to world security, and increases the risk of bioterrorism. In this course, we discuss the potential threat of bioterrorism, agents that could be exploited, and recent developments in technologies for detecting and controlling epidemics that have been initiated intentionally. The local and international response to infectious disease epidemics, such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome and west African Ebola virus epidemic, revealed serious shortcomings which bioterrorists might exploit when intentionally initiating an epidemic.

NSTI can offers the Counter Bio-Terrorism Course as a private session. Please contact us directly to inquire about scheduling a private training. 


CBT is geared toward professionals working and/or managing programs in dangerous, austere environments specifically in areas throughout Africa and the Middle East. This is ideal for government contractors, USAID, Department of Defense, Department of State, the intelligence community (IC), and other federal agencies. For example, this course would be ideal for a Supply Chain Program Manager that operates in the DRC to train on risk assessment and understanding HOW to operate in an epidemic-prone area. 


NGOs, government contractors, and government agencies need to understand the basic principles of "HOW" to engage with the local economy on matters of health security, early detection and prevention, and better understanding of protecting your staff that operate in high-risk environments. We conclude that preparedness for intentional outbreaks has the important added value of strengthening preparedness for natural epidemics, and vice versa.


  • Be able to effectively respond to potential or realized acts of terror

  • Educate and protect staff operating in Ebola-prone, highly contagious, dangerous environments 

  • Apply new and improved approaches for surveillance, early detection, and response

  • Identify the weak points/vulnerabilities in your program that operates in a high-risk area

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